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15.07.2013 Caffenol

english_small  Did you know you can develop a film with instant coffee?

The Caffenol blog is dedicated to this special way of film treatment. Have a look at read about the authors experience, and maybe you want to give it a try.

Have Fun!

04.06.2013 O’Reilly Hacks

english_small O’Reilly is an American media company that publishes books and Web sites and produces conferences mostly on computer technology topics. They have a quite popular series of books called “Hacks” for innovators who explore and experiment, unearth shortcuts, create useful tools, and come up with fun things to try on their own….

Here you can get a small preview what to expect from the “Digital Photography Hacks” out of this series.

27.05.2013 Online Color Challenge

english_small  You are a photographer looking to get all the colors correct in your images. You use a gray card and a color checker to get everything right?
But how good are your abilities to see color really?
Find it out with the X-Rite Online Color Challenge!

The test lets you see how well you can differentiate similar hue tones. Give it a try!

23.05.2013 BTS Videos from Benjamin Von Wong

english_small  The Toronto based photographer Benjamin Von Wong is doing some pretty cool work.
On his Youtube channel he has a lot of helpful videos, among them also a bunch of “Behind The Scenes” movies.
Have a look at them and get some inspiration here!


21.05.2013 Stanford Course Digital Photography

english_small  The Stanford University put their whole 2013 course “Digital Photography” online. It is available online for free here.
Tons of information, more than you might ever need but surely more you can ever remember.
Go and get yourselves the knowledge of a studied photographer!

20.05.2013 Schöner Fotografieren

German_small Auf Schöner Fotografieren findet ihr eine Serie guter Artikel zur Bildgestaltung sowie technischen Fragen rund um die Fotografie.

Egal ob Anfänger oder Profi, es dürfte für jeden was dabeisein!

18.05.2013 Phototuts+

english_small Phototuts+ is a source of learning on all aspects of photography.

They pump out regular tutorials on composition, equipment settings, post-processing, film photography, retouching and much more.

If you love photography, you will find a treasure trove of useful advice at Phototuts+.

16.05.2013 Street Photography Documentation

english_small  The L.A. based photographer Chris Weeks made a three part documentation about “Street Photography”.
In this video you’ll see his work and that of photographers Severin Koller, Frank Jackson and Mario Anzuoni, all with different perspectives for shooting street photography.

Have a look at this great 40 min Video:  Part1

15.05.2013 BTS at a McDonalds shooting

english_small  every time at McDonalds I’m wondering why the burgers look so gorgeous on the pictures and so nasty when I buy them.

Here’s why…..

14.05.2013 Size Comperator

english_small  Ever wondered how big your camera is compared to some specific other model?????

You can check it out at this page.